Spring Statement of little comfort to buyers, renters owners or landlords Views from industry professionals
Market update: Average price of a property in Chiswick Latest Land Registry figures for W4
Most affordable London Boroughs to buy for single first time buyers Latest research from Zoopla
February & March are the best months to list a property Most likely to successfully complete
Demand for prime Chiswick property climbs W4 in top five areas of London
Higher school fees slow the ripple of demand towards West London Affluent upsizers feel the pinch
74% of workers in London can't afford to buy a home Knock-on effect on the rental market
Renters’ Reform Bill: What landlords need to know Proposals for private rented sector
Fastest and slowest London property markets Latest research from Rightmove
Drop in demand for prime Chiswick properties Latest Prime London Demand Index
What are the most important amenities for buyers? No, it's not good schools
One in five buyers spend 20 minutes in a viewing before making an offer Zoopla trials eye-tracking software