Price to sell

Mar 17, 2012
Common sense and a grasp on reality is all it takes to sell your property in weeks rather than months. The latest Land Registry data indicates that it is currently taking up to 135 days to sell a property - so much for the headlines saying that overseas buyers are snapping up London property for cash in a matter of days.  Around 90% of OliverFinn properties for sale, are under offer within 30 days, a significant improvement on the Land Registry figure. So how is this achieved? Too many vendors have unrealistic price expectations based on the property market peak of 2007. This graph shows the difference between asking prices on Rightmove compared to selling prices via the Land Registry, and lenders Nationwide and Halifax. You will see that reality has little impact on the majority of vendors and their agents – who persist in asking for more than their properties are really worth. Get the facts This illustrates the importance of researching your market says Andrew Shaw, manager, OliverFinn Notting Hill: “Too many estate agents are more intent on winning your business and will value your home at an unachievable price. Then, surprise surprise, a few weeks later they will advise you to lower your price - often quite dramatically.”
  • OliverFinn charges a fixed fee that saves you money. You can afford to be flexible on the price and sell your home sooner rather than later.
  • A good estate agent will provide you with data on current prices achieved in your area.  You can then price your property to ensure it is competitive.
  • Choose an agent that will research the market for you and provide a realistic valuation.
So if you want to sell your property in 30 rather than 130 days - without reducing your equity - contact Andrew Shaw, MNAEA 020 3137 2801.  
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