Seven million households are living with NERDs

May 23, 2008
Are you one of the seven million households living with a NERD (Never Ending Renovation Drama)?

New research from Halifax Home Insurance reveals that over 1.7 million Britons have been living with an unfinished DIY or home renovation project for more than two years.  Almost quarter of a million households are so resigned to their ongoing DIY nightmare that they have lived with an unfinished project for more than ten years.
  • Millions of Britons are unlikely to be experiencing sweet dreams as bedrooms (38%) top the league table of unfinished DIY and renovation projects.
  • Culinary creations will be difficult for the 2.8 million British households that are living with unfinished kitchen refurbishments.
  • A further 2.5 million British households are living with an unfinished bathroom.
  • TV dinners will be the order of the day for the 15% of households awaiting completion of a dining room refurbishment.
Householders taking on sizeable DIY and renovation projects risk invalidating their home insurance policies if they take on complex electrical, plumbing or building work that they are not trained to complete.  If an unqualified householder causes a fire with their faulty wiring or floods the house when installing a shower they may find they are left picking up the cost of any claim.

Lack of time and money
Time poor Britons are unable to fit in DIY and renovation projects into their schedules leaving millions of properties with unfinished building works.  Half (50%) of those living in a property with an unfinished DIY or renovation project blamed a lack of time for leaving the project unfinished.  Almost a third (29%) blamed a lack of finances for their inability to complete a house project.    Disputes with tradesmen, planning departments and neighbours have called a halt to 9% of unfinished projects.   

A quarter of households (26%) living with a Never Ending Renovation Drama have been unable to invite friends or family to visit their property.   Unfinished DIY projects are a major source of conflict, in a quarter (24%) of households it has resulted in arguments between partners.  In one in ten cases rooms have been left completely uninhabitable.  Ongoing DIY dramas result in significant mental anguish, 9% of those with unfinished projects have suffered from insomnia and 5% believe the emotional stress has impacted their performance at work.
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